Smartlinx Staffing Marketplace Mobilizes Industry’s Top Workforce

Leading Workforce Providers In The Sector Unite With Smartlinx Staffing Marketplace To Address Nurse Shortages

Gale and ShiftMed, two of the top workforce providers in the long-term care and senior living sectors, have integrated with Smartlinx’s first-to-market Staffing Marketplace platform, according to the company, a leading provider of cloud-based workforce management solutions. Clients now have more options and flexibility to fill shifts when they’re most needed, as well as better visibility into and control over the costs of their contingent labour.

The Marketplace, a component of the Smartlinx Workforce Management Platform, links healthcare organisations with on-demand workforce providers across the country. In order for businesses to make better workforce-related decisions, the Smartlinx platform and Staffing Marketplace give clients real-time visibility into a facility’s entire staffing ecosystem in one location. It gives users the option to better anticipate and reduce nurse shortages on-demand.

84% of nursing homes experience moderate to severe staffing shortages, and 45% of nursing homes report that their overall workforce situation has gotten worse since 2022, according to a recent survey by the American Healthcare Association (AHCA)*. Additionally, more than half of nursing homes are restricting new admissions as a result of staffing shortages, and 96% of nursing homes are having trouble hiring new employees. Smartlinx is attempting to assist clients in resolving these staffing shortages technologically with Staffing Marketplace.

“The shortage of nurses for the industry is still a problem for our clients. According to Marina Aslanyan, CEO of Smartlinx, “We’ve made it easier for our clients to find qualified staff to help reduce nurse shortages by adding leading workforce providers, Gale and ShiftMed, into our Staffing Marketplace. These new collaborations serve as an illustration of our dedication to the long-term care and senior living sectors, utilising technology to assist clients in resolving their most pressing workforce issues both now and in the future.

The Marketplace is open by design to give customers more options for hiring staff. In order to help clients fill shifts more quickly and save money on operational inefficiencies, Smartlinx is dedicated to expanding the Marketplace with more partners.

The Marketplace provides facilities with the ability to access supplemental nurses within the Smartlinx platform through a seamless, API-driven integration with on-demand workforce providers. Clients can view the availability of both full-time and temporary staff on one platform, enabling them to fill shifts more quickly and more accurately estimate costs. Additionally, the consolidation of direct care hours into a single system makes PBJ compliance reporting simpler and more precise. Additionally, it aids in the elimination of manual nurse tracking for labour management and bill reconciliation.

Healthcare facilities are still reporting problems filling open shifts due to the ongoing nursing shortage. According to Todd Walrath, CEO of ShiftMed, “it is now simpler than ever for these facilities to achieve optimal staffing levels without the time-consuming process of manual employee onboarding. In addition to having access to ShiftMed’s on-demand healthcare professionals, facilities will now be able to quickly and easily manage their workforce thanks to the automatic transfer of employee data and digital credentials into the Smartlinx platform.

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