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Jitterbit survey

Low-Code Application Platforms Are Significant to Automation, According to a Jitterbit Survey

The findings of Jitterbit‘s “2023 State of Automation” survey were released. Jitterbit is a global pioneer in empowering transformation through automation. Findings from the poll “How Low-Code Application Platforms Disrupt the IT Status Quo and Ignite Digital Growth.” The analysis, which is currently available, illustrates a corporate environment in which firms are under increasing pressure to promote digital transformation and achieve higher efficiency, but frequently lack the technological tools to effectively implement digital plans. Businesses are increasingly relying on low-code application platforms (LCAPs), which allow both non-IT and IT executives to create business apps without any prior coding knowledge, to advance digital innovation.

The poll revealed numerous significant conclusions regarding the adoption and prioritizing of LCAP solutions based on responses from IT, marketing, and human resources executives from more than 100 U.S.-based organizations with 100 or more employees. Building low-code applications is a high corporate priority, said 85% of study participants.

The need for efficient automation, worries about the spread of illegal apps across devices, and a genuine desire to handle organizational difficulties without significant IT participation are just a few of the reasons for this focus on LCAP.

Other important information discovered includes:

  • IT executives generally support non-IT built apps and data flows, but they have reservations about how to address important business problems. The majority of IT respondents are very or extremely comfortable with non-IT staff members using low-code platforms to create applications. They are significantly less comfortable than executives in other divisions, though.
  • LCAP will help HR and Marketing since it will provide them control over IT decisions. Building, implementing, or managing low-code applications to help advance important projects, according to respondents, is given higher priority by marketing and HR leaders.

“Low-code application platforms are essential for accelerating automation projects and keeping up with the brisk business pace. Executives understand the importance of prioritizing LCAPs in order to remain competitive, but they are still concerned about the security, data accessibility, and general effectiveness of low-code apps, according to Vito Salvaggio, senior vice president of product management at Jitterbit. “Robust LCAP systems must solve these issues while also satisfying the demands of enterprises for simple deployment and maintenance, ease of use, a decrease in manual labor, and cheaper costs. Organizations will be unparalleled in their ability to spur digital innovation when they can confidently use LCAP solutions.”

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